· free consultation for setting the vibe and tone and defining
your Why to start.
· designing a training program tailored to your fitness goals.
· getting valuable know-ledge about your nutrition which
supports your training routine and regeneration.
· free access to a private gym in the heart of Berlin Mitte.
· regular body-measurments for keeping track on the goal.
strength is the ability to use force to overcome resistance. to improve your force we are going to move heavy weights such as barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells.
what is power? power is the ability to use force in the smallest amount of time. short high-intense intervalls by doing jumps, lifting light weights, boxing and bodyweight-exercises will be part of your training.

what is stamina & speed? they go hand-in-hand. stamina is the ability to sustain a extended term of mental & physical effort. depending on your fitness-goal you have the option to get a program designed for improving your endurance by the activity of running.
the ability to move pain-free through a motion is defined as mobility. based on the injuries or body issues you may have, we are going to add mobility exercises for any series of joints in each session.
what is flexibility? being able to change and adapt quickly to a new situation. according to your fitness this means we are going to add actively stretching to your program so that you are able to perform better with the weights.

in order to feel and see results of your training you want to take a closer look on nutrition & also sleep hygiene. what comes on your plate? how many times do eat during the day? is your macro-intake balanced? how many hours of sleep do you get per night? whats your evening routine?
you have the otpion to learn more about nutrition your body needs for improving performance.
please note: taking quality rest is a non-negotiable.


>B.A. fitness & economics
>personal trainer for strength & conditioning
>cert. nutrition coach for sports nutrition
collaborations with Ignite Fit GmbH & Eden Gym
I`ve started with fitness when I volunteered at the military for 12 months. Nobody told me about that, but I`ve noticed I had to get physically stronger for keeping up with my male comrads. Soon I`ve seen progress - not only how I looked but also how I felt. Something started to shift, with the gains grew my mind! I fell in love with this process.
After my military basic training I was pretty sure I want to study something with fitness and sports. Fitness Economic as a dual study was the perfect fit. I finished university in 2019, went on travels overseas and deepened my interests in weightlifting, plant-based nutrition and how exercising can affect our psyche. I came to Berlin in September 2021 out of a mood and decided to stop traveling and start following again my passion for movement.
Fitness and nutrition for me are essential for mental health and well-being. Sharing my knowledge and experiences from those areas is like the coolest job I could imagine. Best thing is to watch how people - especially women - raise into strong, confident, self-loving persons by consistent excersising and dieting. I saw it on myself and I saw it on others a hundred times. It`s magical and after 4 years working with people on their fitness goals I`m still blown away about the fact how weekly training is making a difference to your whole life and mind-set.